Legal Notice

Continuing to browse the website (hereinafter the “Site”) constitutes unreserved acceptance of the following provisions and conditions of use (hereinafter the “T&Cs”). The currently online version of these conditions of use is the only one enforceable for the entire duration of use of the site and until a new version replaces it.

Article 1. Legal notices

The Site is published by the company Paul Bruelle Design, a single-member simplified joint stock company, with share capital of 20,000 euros, located at 2-6 rue du Capitaine 4 de Lassus in SAINT-DIE-DES-VOSGES (88100), registered in the Register of Commerce and Companies of EPINAL (88) under number 843 735 432 (hereinafter “Paul Bruelle Design” or “the Publisher”).
Intracommunity VAT: FR38843735432
Contact details:
Telephone number: 06 30 52 75 67
Contact email address:
Publication director: Mr. Paul Bruelle
The Site is hosted by the company OVH, 2 Rue Kellerman, 59100 ROUBAIX, OVH Help Center

Article 2. Purpose

The purpose of these T&Cs is to define the terms and conditions according to which Paul Bruelle Design allows access to the Site to Internet and mobile users (hereinafter the “Users”), from any computer terminal and from any country, as well as to distribute the mutual rights and obligations of the parties within this framework.
The purpose of the Site is to promote the creations of Mr. Paul BRUELLE which are offered for sale.
These T&Cs do not have the purpose or effect of governing the commercial relations between Paul Bruelle Design and the Users, nor the use in the strict sense of the products offered for sale by Paul Bruelle Design, which are governed exclusively by the Conditions General Sales Conditions, accessible here.

Article 3. Conditions of application and acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions

3.1. Conditions of application

The User is presumed to have full legal capacity. It is specified for all purposes that the minor / protected adult User can access the Site but that he is not authorized to
place an order without being authorized by his legal representatives (holders of parental authority / guardian).
The T&Cs apply totally and exclusively, subject to the application of mandatory legal provisions, and govern the activity of the Site throughout its existence.
In the event of a conflict between the title of the clauses and their content, it is accepted that only the content can apply and reflect the will of the parties.

3.2. Time of acceptance and duration

The User acknowledges that their navigation on the Site automatically entails unreserved acceptance of these T&Cs, and that their consent is deemed respected upon entry onto the home page of the Site or on the first page that they he visits.
It is therefore strongly recommended to carefully read all of the legal information on the Site, which is accessible at any time and without computer tracking.

3.3. Indivisibility of the General Terms and Conditions

These T&Cs are indivisible and their acceptance applies to the whole. Users cannot under any circumstances unilaterally waive the application of one or more of its clauses, including any annexes.

3.4. Modification of the Site and modification of the T&Cs

Paul Bruelle Design reserves the right to modify the content of the Site, as well as the terms of these T&Cs at any time and without having to justify it, as long as this modification is made necessary by a legitimate commercial or legal objective, without that this is not assimilated to a renunciation by him of the whole.
These new conditions will then be presented to the User for notification, on the Site and will govern the new contractual relationship upon their receipt or display.
The modification of these T&Cs by a court decision can only invalidate the invalidated clause(s), unless the invalidity of the whole is provided for by law or acquired by decision of the court.
enforceable justice.

Article 4. Access to the Site – Creation of an account – Availability


4.1. Access and destination of the Site

Paul Bruelle Design assumes no responsibility for possible difficulties in accessing the Site, due to foreign legislation, connection difficulties or any restriction beyond its control.
The User undertakes not to use this Site and its contents for political, advertising purposes or for any form of commercial solicitation.
Consultation and use of the Site is free; any additional costs borne by the User cannot be blamed in any way, nor borne by Paul Bruelle Design.
Paul Bruelle Design ensures the availability of the Site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and optimal navigation at the technical level, but remains in this regard subject to a simple obligation of means.
The Site is accessible on terminals with access to the Internet network and an Internet browser.

4.2. Creating an account

The User is required to have an account to make purchases on the Site.
In order to create an account, the User must complete each field of the registration form by providing the following information: Name, first name, valid email address and password that they choose.
The User can only associate one account with an email address.
In the event of loss, theft or accidental disclosure of their connection credentials, the User must immediately inform Paul Bruelle Design by email or can follow the “forgotten password” procedure.
The User will be asked to enter a new password. The User undertakes to provide sincere and accurate information in compliance with the regulations and legislation in force relating to the protection of personal data, intellectual property rights and rights relating to respect for private life.

As part of access to the Site and access to online purchasing operations, the User remains entirely responsible for the actions of third parties who connect via their account.

The connection identifiers (email address and password) allow the User to identify themselves and connect to their account. These connection identifiers created by the User are personal and confidential. They can be modified at any time, via the account, by the User.

The User is entirely responsible for the use of connection identifiers concerning him or her by third parties, whether authorized or not. Unless proven otherwise, any connection made using the User’s connection identifiers will be deemed to have been made personally by the latter.

In this regard, the User has the possibility of ensuring that at the end of each session, he can explicitly disconnect.
Any loss, theft, misappropriation or unauthorized use of connection identifiers and their consequences are the responsibility of the User.
Opening a new session with login credentials already in use will automatically close the first session opened.
Paul Bruelle Design may, for the purposes of transparency, improving trust, preventing or detecting fraud, set up a system for verifying some of the information that the User provides on their account.
The User undertakes to provide Paul Bruelle Design with the requested supporting documents for verification purposes as quickly as possible.

4.3. Site Maintenance

Paul Bruelle Design reserves the right to suspend, interrupt or limit access from time to time to all or part of the Site, to carry out updates or maintenance operations.

Article 5. Suspension – Closure of the account

5.1. Closure of the account by the User

The User may decide to permanently close their account at any time and without notice upon simple request to the following email address:

Consequently, the User’s account will be permanently deleted and cannot be reactivated.

5.2. Suspension / closure of the account in the event of a breach by the User of these T&Cs

In the event of a User’s failure to comply with one of the provisions of these T&Cs, their account may be suspended as a precautionary measure and then automatically closed by Paul Bruelle Design.
The User whose account is suspended will be informed by Paul Bruelle Design of this decision by sending an e-mail notification.
The User is invited to contact Paul Bruelle Design customer service by e-mail or telephone in order to obtain further information on the reasons for the suspension of their account, make any observations they may have and/or provide the proof that the breach has been remedied.
If within 30 days of notification of account suspension, the User has not contacted Paul Bruelle Design customer service or if the elements provided by the User to customer service have not made it possible to remedy the breach, Paul Bruelle Design may notify the User of the closure of his account by e-mail and inform the User of the period during which he will not be able to re-register on the Site.
In the absence of details, this duration is set at 12 months from notification of account closure.

5.3. Consequences of closing the account by the User

If the User has the possibility of creating content on the Site, it is specified that certain personal data concerning him (in particular connection data and/or identification data) are kept for the legal periods provided for in the Article L.34-1 of the Postal and Telecommunications Code by Paul Bruelle Design, from the closure of the account, then definitively deleted at the end of these deadlines.
For more information, the User is invited to consult the Privacy Policy accessible here,
Beyond these retention periods, Paul Bruelle Design cannot under any circumstances be responsible for the possible loss of User data following the closure of their account.

Article 6. Intellectual property – Credits

All brands, photographs, texts, comments, illustrations, animated or non-animated images, video sequences, sounds, as well as all computer applications which could be used to operate this Site and more generally all elements reproduced or used on the Site are protected by the laws and international conventions in force relating to intellectual property law.
They are the full and complete property of Paul Bruelle Design and/or its partners.
Any reproduction, representation, use or adaptation, in any form whatsoever, of all or part of these elements, including computer applications, without the prior written consent of Paul Bruelle Design, is strictly prohibited.
The fact that Paul Bruelle Design does not initiate proceedings upon becoming aware of these unauthorized uses does not constitute acceptance of said uses and waiver of prosecution.
Users are prohibited, in particular, from:
Reproduce, modify, adapt, distribute, publicly represent, disseminate the Site and the contents, except for what is expressly authorized by Paul Bruelle Design;
Decompile and reverse engineer the Site, subject to the exceptions provided for by the legal provisions in force;
Extract or attempt to extract (in particular by using data extraction robots or any other similar data collection tool) a substantial part of the data from the Site.
In particular, the photos and graphic illustrations on the Site are published in strict compliance with the copyrights attached to them, whether they belong to Paul Bruelle Design, or whether they belong to the public domain, or whether they come from legal sources, free or paid, guaranteeing their free use.
Photo/video credits: Lezards creations – Communication & Web agency

Article 7. Economic parasitism and unfair competition

The commercial exploitation, by any unauthorized third party, of name(s) and distinctive sign(s) such as the brand, the domain name of the Site, the commercial name, the sign of Paul Bruelle Design, just as any action having the object or effect of harming Paul Bruelle Design by creating any form of confusion in the mind of the public, is likely to result in proceedings for unfair competition and/or economic parasitism according to the procedures in force.

Article 8. IT security and use of the Site

Paul Bruelle Design undertakes to provide and maintain the Site in optimal IT security conditions, under normal conditions of use.
As a result, the latter cannot under any circumstances be responsible for any form of computer attack suffered by the User which may have a direct or indirect link with their navigation on the Site.
Fraudulent access and/or fraudulent maintenance on the Site, likely to hinder its operation in any way, as well as the introduction and/or modification of data contained therein, are strictly prohibited and are likely to lead to prosecution.

Article 9. Setting up hypertext links

The establishment of possible hypertext links to the Site, from any medium and from any terminal is a priori free if the practice of links is not systematic or abusive, if the link previously verified does not a priori involve any IT risk, and if it does not violate any intellectual property rights.
The User undertakes to remove said link upon simple written request from Paul Bruelle Design (by email), which disclaims all liability for any damage resulting from any technical problem, security breach and/or violation of rights arising from the use of said hyperlink.
Despite all the useful precautions of Paul Bruelle Design, the User declares that he is aware that any information accessible on the Internet via a link leaving the Site is not under the control of Paul Bruelle Design which declines all responsibility for their ( s) content(s).

Article 10. Responsibility of Paul Bruelle Design

The Site is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week except in the event of force majeure within the meaning of article 1218 of the Civil Code as interpreted by the French courts or the occurrence of an event beyond the control of Paul Bruelle Design and subject to possible breakdowns and maintenance interventions necessary for the proper functioning of the Site and causing interruptions to its access.
In addition, Paul Bruelle Design undertakes to provide the infrastructure and technical means required for the provision of a quality service to Users.

Access to and use of the Site requires that the User have access to the internet and have a device with sufficient technical performance.
Paul Bruelle Design cannot be held responsible for any malfunction of the User’s device or compatibility problem between the Site and the device which does not respect the technical prerequisites.
Paul Bruelle Design is not responsible for breakdowns, interruptions or poor functioning of the services of the User’s internet access provider, as well as for any cause external to Paul Bruelle Design which could interrupt or degrade access to the Service and the Site.
The User declares to accept the characteristics and limits of the Internet, and in particular to recognize:
that his use of the Site is at his own risk and under his entire responsibility; the Site is offered and accessible “as is”;
that it is therefore up to it to take all appropriate measures to protect its own data and/or applications from contamination by possible viruses circulating through the Site;
unless otherwise provided by legal or contractual guarantees, the User is solely responsible for his or her use of all content present on the Site and, consequently, Paul Bruelle Design cannot be held responsible for direct and/or indirect damage resulting from the use of this content;
that he has a secure email address;
that the speed of transmission of information depends on the characteristics inherent to electronic communications networks and the technical characteristics of its connection mode (Wifi, Edge, 3G, 4G etc.) and its access to the Internet network.
that he may have to accept any cookies in his internet browser in order to optimize the use of the Site. The User is informed that the refusal of certain cookies, particularly functional ones, may degrade the operation of the Site or prevent its optimal functioning (for more information, the User is invited to consult the Confidentiality Policy accessible here);
that it is informed that the services may at any time be subject to modifications of all kinds carried out by Paul Bruelle Design to, in particular, take into account the evolution of the technological, commercial, administrative, regulatory, legal context or for reasons relating to the security of the systems and/or information of said services.
that Paul Bruelle Design cannot guarantee the compatibility of the services with all browsers and additional software such as video file players in particular, in their oldest versions.

Paul Bruelle Design also draws the User’s attention to any exceptional risk of receiving unwanted messages or messages allegedly emanating from Paul Bruelle Design. The User must be attentive and vigilant in order not to be a victim of fraud and notify Paul Bruelle Design customer service, if necessary.

Article 11. Collection and protection of personal data

Paul Bruelle Design, concerned about the rights of individuals, particularly with regard to automated processing, and in a desire for transparency with its Users, has implemented a policy covering all of these processing operations, the purposes pursued by the latter as well as the means of action available to individuals so that they can best exercise their rights.
For any additional information on the protection of personal data, the User is invited to consult the Confidentiality Policy accessible here, the Cookies Policy accessible here as well as to consult the site

Article 12. Contact

The User can contact Paul Bruelle Design using the following contact details:
by post: Paul Bruelle Design, 2-6 rue du Capitaine de Lassus, SAINT-DIE-DES-VOSGES (88100)
by email to the following address:

Article 13. General provisions

13.1. Non-waiver

The fact that one or other of the Parties does not take advantage of one or more stipulations of the T&Cs cannot under any circumstances imply the waiver by this Party of taking advantage of them subsequently.

13.2. Nullity

If any of the provisions of the terms and conditions is declared null or irrelevant with regard to a legislative or regulatory provision in force and/or a court decision having the authority of res judicata, it will be deemed unwritten and will not be will not result in the nullity of the other provisions.

13.3. Applicable law

The T&Cs, as well as any use of the Site, from any country and by a User of any nationality, are subject to and governed exclusively by French law, and must be interpreted with regard to French law.

13.4. Complaint – Competent jurisdiction

Any complaint relating to the application of these T&Cs must be addressed to Paul Bruelle Design customer service, the contact details of which are specified in article 12.
In the event of no response within a maximum period of thirty (30) days or in the event of a challenge to the response, any disputes that may arise regarding the validity, interpretation, execution or non-performance of these T&Cs will be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of common law.